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4.0 ( 8400 ratings )
비즈니스 생산성
개발자: 时信云服(北京)科技有限公司
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SPAP,design for work, comes for you!
This is an efficient working platform for dedicated individuals that ShiXin Cloud believes to create!
Work, we must have the look of work! To work, there must be a dedicated product platform.
In the division, we aggregated the functions required for major work scenarios such as instant messaging, mail delivery, and schedule management:
       Pure social relationships, colleagues, leaders, customers, exclusive and private, information sharing no longer troubled;
       Open communication forms, department members, internal enterprises, external enterprises, internal and external contacts are done;
       Multiple function matrix, instant messaging, mail sending and receiving, audio and video, and work scenes;
At the same time, we have created a completely open product form and provided a number of complete and convenient data interfaces. We fully support individual and corporate developers to develop small programs with specific functions, and open the main application functions and third-party application functions to meet specific requirements. Professional and specific job requirements for individual functions.

In terms of technical characteristics, the company has built a complete, low-level technical architecture and provided developers with private cloud deployment solutions to solve users’ data security concerns:
All data links of the company are encrypted and transmitted. Message links, signaling links, and multimedia data links all support the SSL protocol.
Lightweight SaaS deployments support private cloud deployments. It also supports modular private cloud deployment and tailoring, on-demand management of data assets, and centralized management of assets that are of concern to enterprise users.
Supports real-time hot backup and bulk dump to ensure data security.

The people who will work are all use SPAP! Invite your working partner to experience it!
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